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Two E-books for You

We created two E-books. One E-book is a resource for people that are not familiar with the world of electronic devices, internet, emails, videos, etc. The other book is filled with activity ideas that are organized by topic. If you are bored or in need of new activities, please have a look at this E-book. We are confident that you will find something interesting. This book is so big that we had to divide it by chapter in order to make it easy for everybody to download.

Many university students volunteering or working in our Institute did contribute to the creation of these E-books. We hope you will enjoy them! Please let us know what you think!

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1001 Activity Ideas for Older Adults

This guide is filled with activities and strategies to increase your social interactions.

See below
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Welcome to the Online World

A Guide for Older Adults

1001 Activity Ideas for Older Adults
Full Book
About the Book 
Chapter 1: Social Connection
Chapter 2: Physical Activity
Chapter 3: Animals
Chapter 4: Games
Chapter 5: Arts and Crafts
Chapter 6: Discovering and Learning
Chapter 7: Wellness and Writing
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