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- lriawellbeingNov 15, 2022Reading booksI'm a big fan of books and reading, it's something I've always enjoyed and has always helped me to relax and fill up an afternoon. I'm always looking for new books to read and sometimes when I run out of ideas I'll look to online lists, such as the link below that shows 50 books to read before you die. I myself have probably only read a handful of the books on this list but I'm looking forward to trying some more! So far I've read: -The Lord of the Rings To Kill a Mockingbird -Hamlet -The Great Gatsby -The Harry Potter books -The Picture of Dorian Gray What books have you read so far on this list? Is there one you are particularly fond of?
- lriawellbeingNov 15, 2022GardeningWith winter on the way, I thought it would be a good idea to look at what kind of plants can be grown indoors. If you're someone like me who tends to forget to water their plants, this list can be really helpful to know what plants can survive a little bit of unintentional neglect! Do you currently have any indoor plants in your home? If so, what kind do you have? And if you're like me, do you name them to keep track of them? I have the habit of naming my plants after book characters from stories I read when I got that plant. One of my favourite plants is a pothos named Lizzie, after Elizabeth from Pride and Prejudice.
- lriawellbeingNov 15, 2022YogaI recently found this very cool article from the New York Times on how to use yoga to destress. The techniques shown are pretty easy and I especially like the breathing and mindfulness techniques because you can do them anywhere. Do you practice any of these techniques or have your own ways to destress? Let us know in the comments if you have any other ways to destress or any other articles or resources! Want to Relax? Try Yoga (Published 2019),
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